Director of Development (U.S.)
Christie has been involved with the Sacred Valley Project since completing her graduate internship with us in 2010. Christie is now focused on sustainable development for the program, growing our network of friends, partners and supporters and serving as a liaison between our US friends and staff in Peru. Christie received her M.A. in Intercultural Relations with a focus in International Education from Lesley University in 2010 and graduated with a B.A. in Spanish and a minor in Communications from Rollins College in 2005. Christie’s experience with International Education has taken her from running community service programs in Costa Rica and Peru, teaching English in Spain, and working with study abroad and exchange students at Middlebury College, to managing study abroad admissions for programs in Australia, New Zealand and Spain with GlobaLinks Learning Abroad. Christie hopes to influence the growth of the project so that we can continue to reach more students, families and communities of the Sacred Valley. Christie is based in Boulder, Colorado.