The Sacred Valley Project hopes to make the dormitory financially sustainable and improve international awareness through the spread of local chapters in schools, universities, churches and community centers across North America.
Chartered clubs can work to spread awareness about women’s rights, girls’ education, indigenous education and poverty while raising money to support the education of young women in the Peruvian highlands.
We plan to work closely with such clubs and to provide all the necessary support to make the charter a success. This includes help with event planning, alpaca handicrafts to sell, literature about the project, networking and all the necessary documentation to make the club official.
To achieve this goal we need your help. Found a charter! If you are interested in starting a club at your school or in your community, please contact us!

Other Ways to Get Involved!
As a small nonprofit, we appreciate all the help that friends, family, schools and community members are able to provide. We value every individual’s collaboration and interest in the project, and acknowledge that without our volunteers, donors and fundraisers, we would not be able to provide the young women of the Sacred Valley with educational support.
If you want to positively affect the lives of young women from indigenous communities, have a fulfilling experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life or explore the multifaceted aspects of running a non-profit, the Sacred Valley Project is happy to have you join our team!